School Schedule
With the overall philosophy of balance that cultivates hard-work and curiosity, the day is structured accordingly.
Our schedule is intentional to form life-long habits for a faith-driven, productive life.
The daily schedule is designed so educators and students can focus on core subjects in the morning and co-curricular classes in the afternoon. We believe that this schedule promotes the healthy development of the whole child. Students will be encouraged to push themselves to master their fundamental skills and take risks in their co-curricular classes.
Parents can choose to send students to Colorado Christian Academy full-time or
part-time depending on what is best for their family.
Weekly chapels from 8:30AM - 9:00AM. Parents (and younger siblings) are welcome to join in this time of worship and sermon. These mornings are a wonderful opportunity to stay connected to your student, to the school, and to other parents as well.
The Flexible Friday program provides our students weekly opportunities for unique experiential learning within our community, in the great outdoors, and within our school setting. Flexible Fridays implements learning in a tangible and innovative manner that applies classroom academics into memorable student experiences. Our students are enthusiastic about serving, engaging, and absorbing the vastness and awe of all of God's creation.
Thrive Squads are built in throughout our scheduled day to help focus on students individual needs. The priority is that students are challenged and supported in their core subjects. We have in-house tutoring through Colorado Christian Academy educators. There may be additional fees associated with tutoring.